My Blankspace

Heyyoooo cyber-traveller!

Welcome to the blog of yours truly. I post the most random stuff here, especially those that are so long or so obnoxious it will likely just fill the Mastodon feeds with my ramblings.

I feel obligated to give you couple of warnings: please tread carefully on these treacherous grounds as you do not know what unhinged idiocy you shall encounter in these uh… posts. You have been warned.

On a lighter note, have a good day. You will likely be seeing a lot of posts regarding my current obsessions (such as music, literature, linguistics, other arts, programming, etc). Please do not consider any of this content, by any means, true — and rather, just some random text typed up by a teenager who isn’t really bothered to do any research or fact-checking or even referencing because all this mostly just goes straight out of my head and into a text editor.

For more meta, I suggest you see my About page.